
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kevin Pietersen reveals one-day drop on Twitter with expletive-peppered Tweet

A post on Kevin Pietersen's Twitter account has said the England batsman has been dropped from the one-day international squads for the series against Pakistan.
The tweet, which was deleted within minutes, also claimed he had signed for Surrey.
The tweet said: "Done for rest of summer!! Man of the World Cup T20 and dropped from the T20 side too.. Its [sic] a f*** up!! Surrey have signed me for l..."
The England and Wales Cricket Board will name the squads for the Twenty20 and 50-over matches this afternoon but the announcement has been delayed and is now expected around 5.15pm.
After a modest summer against Bangladesh and Pakistan, Pietersen admitted to suffering from a crisis of confidence.
He told Sky Sports 1 his morale had been "hammered" in the last year and a half.
Pietersen has not scored a Test century since March 2009, in a run-fest against the West Indies that saw seven individual hundreds, and the last of his seven ODI tons came in November 2008 against India.
He said: "I'm not one of those guys who likes to say I'm playing well in the nets. Talk is cheap, but I'm trying so, so hard to break this barren run of hundreds.
"It does concern me. I'm always looking to try and improve. I've got to look at the positives and drag my confidence up, which has been hammered in the last 18 months.
"I'm nowhere near the person I used to be but I've got to keep trying to work at it.
"It's purely down to confidence and purely down to what's happened over the last 18 months. I'm trying so hard every day to get back to where I used to be.
"I'll get there."